July 13, 2007

Bhutanese and the Chilies

When Summer Season begins till the autumn season, Bhutanese Chilies makes everywhere in the Country, the Chilies, which are bigger in size, are favor by most people living in the urban area. The Chilies has it's own taste, people prefer to have it emadatshi, a pure Bhutanese curry made from chilies and cheese, It is so popular amongst the tourist as well as they want to get the taste of Bhutanese dishes. Emadatshi with rice makes a healthy lunch or dinner except for that you need a bottle of water just near you.

Bhutanese people are used to eating chilies and they are know everywhere and even by the foreign visiting people, we the Bhutanese are born to dine with chilies, you go every Bhutanese house for a lunch or dinner and there would be a hot spicy curry made from chilies. I prefer to have hot food too but sometimes i am used to eating with less spicy. The Bhutanese chilies are grown everywhere in Bhutan except for few districts like gasa and laya where the cold weather exists. Farmer from all parts of the country makes huge money growing the chilies and getting into the urban market. The chilies can serves for any curry dishes be it Sikam pa (Dried pork) Shakam pa (Dried Beef), Emadatshi and other curry items. These Green Chilies can be consumed during winter by drying it in the sun and when dried it will become red which would be delicious. Bhutanese off all are known to eat raw chilies as well. Watever the trend is Bhutanese are without dobut can't live without chilies and that can be true when you go out of your country and you don't get the hot food, you miss the chilies a lot. HUH!! Can't let my tongue on fire.

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