March 25, 2007

Thimphu Town and Traffic Video

Hi Everyone,
I just thought would post video of Thimphu City which is the capital of Bhutan. In this video you will see the main area of Thimphu Town, the Traffic and shopping complex area. Thimphu is the only capital city in the world where there is no Automatic Traffic Controller for the Movemnet of Vehicle and Police Direct the Traffic.
The police direct the Traffic of the town from 8 Am in the Morning to 6 pm in the Evening. Thimphu Town is just about 1 - 2 km straight road which starts from the Petroleum Pump in the Lungthenzampa to Chubuchu, shops can be found on both the street of the road in few areas like the Main Traffic and Shopping Complex Zone. The Main street of the Thimphu town Can be covered up in just 5-10 minutes of drive, but as you go down town the traffic you will find lot of shops the Thimphu Clock Tower, you go left from the Traffic and you will find the hong kong Market and Zangtopelri Shopping complex which are pretty much a crowd area.

Don't Worry Guys, picture will soon come along as i go describing the Thimphu Town and the Chaanglimithang Ground development into a Stadium. Stay Tuned.

1 comment:

Analía said...

Hi Ugyen! I hope you are doing fine :)
I never know where to post a comment LOL, this time I chose this blog, but I can appear in any of your blogs, so be prepared to catch me hehe.
I'm trying to be fine.... at least I'm doing my best ok? so I guess I'll be posting again soon.
I miss your "have a nice week/weekend" but I guess I will get many of those in a few days.
Take care

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